He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”                                                                                                           John 7:38, KJV


“Living Water”

Some time ago my COO and trusted friend asked me the interrogative question of where on earth did I get the energy I seem to have? Interrogative questions allow you to gather information and clear up confusion as well as, engage in interesting conversations thus asked.  This interrogative question actually answered itself because he already knew the response.      His question nonetheless, was a witness of Gods glory.  Still he asked however, because he seemed awed by my many and multifaceted ministry obligations which seem to some as overwhelming. Specifically, that morning I had preached to soldiers in Hattiesburg then drove two hours to preach to nearly 300 Saints at the church after which he caught me just before I drove another thirty minutes to preach to inmates at a local prison that night. As I think deeply on our brief conversation in the corridor it begs me to consider the awesome ministry of the late Rev. Billy Graham who has to his credit having led over 2,000,000 people to Christ through his ministry that spanned over sixty years. Though, I don’t reckon that I may get the opportunity to reach that many people, I certainly have a deep desire to do so. That’s just it – our desires are within our hearts because they like our dreams, our wishes and our potentialities exist in the Spirit and because we are Spiritual beings they like our Spirits are infinite. This is why Jesus could say “my meat is to do the will of my Father” and why the late Rev. Dennis Kinlaw could say at 80 years old that after all of his preaching which spanned over 60 years as well, that his only wish was that he could preach one more sermon.

Brothers and Sisters when our Spirits are operated completely by the God who rightly owns them, the possibilities for greatness in our lives become limitless. What I mean is that there is a hole in our hearts called the Spirit that is so seated because through it and For His glory, Our God wants to lead us towards passions, plans, places and possibilities that will shock the world.   The old saying is that if you can dream it, you can achieve it and that’s because our dreams are nothing more than down payments on our destinies of which God is the leinholder. Man and Woman of God, there is nothing you can’t do, there’s nothing too big for a believer and nothing, absolutely nothing can stop you from flourishing except YOU! Let’s start today trusting God and sowing more to the Spirit so that God can fill us with the needed energies, passions and purposes to pursue His Divine will for our lives. Namely, better marriages, better finances, better attitudes and better days are all related to a better spiritual walk.  I encourage you to Pray for the infilling of the Holy Spirit and to begin to sow into spiritual things in anticipation that God will move you closer to greatness as you walk farther from sin.  Unfortunately, sin and success are mutually exclusive which is to say that there can be no significant success in anyone whose soul unrepentant sin reigns. I can assure you that your possibilities become limitless when your Spirit begins to no longer be blocked by sin and moreover, the overflow that God wishes to flood into your heart is an unlimited supply of good that will flow from your Spirit into your soul and out into society through your body. As the old song says, He wants to Bless you, Let Him Bless you today by quenching your thirst for more with His Living Water!

Dr A. Darrell Barlow