As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.” 1 Kings 17:1, KJV


Like a lot of students, I have always had difficulty with spelling.  Particularly, the words weather and whether have always given me great trial.  The word weather is primarily used as a noun.   It is the state of the atmosphere in a particular place (e.g., rain, sunshine, snow and so on). On the other hand, the word whether is a coordinating conjunction mostly used to introduce a clause and express a choice between alternatives.  Simply stated the words that follow a coordinating conjunction determine the mood of the moment.  In one Scriptural reference found in Acts 17:11, Paul writes of the Bereans’ that they were noble men who searched the Scriptures to see whether those things he preached about were so.  God never intended certain things to be left up to us but the choice on whether we make it through those things are indeed up to us.  In the text above the Prophet Elijah was called to deliver a message to King Ahab about the weather.  It seems that Gods message to the unholy King was that the weather would be such that no precipitation would fall for three and a half years.  This act of God had a tremendous impact on the entire world at the time as it caused utter pandemonium.  First, with no rain those who farmed would not be able to harvest their crops.  With no crop growth it would follow that no markets would be free to sale goods and over time even the rivers, lakes and ponds that once provided a water source for the community would eventually dry because of the weather.  Naturally, one would think that this would cause utter ruin to the society which it did to most people, except the Prophet Elijah.  Elijah whose name means “Yahweh is God” was one whose life shows us that though God alone controls the weather, should we place our trust in Him our faith can predict whether we will make it through those storms of life ultimately coming out better than we were at their beginning.  Of late, the Covid-19 pandemic has been responsible for worldwide hunger, unemployment, death and utter hopelessness.  While the world anticipates a vaccine to eradicate this virus we can be confident that its end is largely dependent upon whether we will maintain our faith in God even through this.  The story continues that Elijah was told to go to Cherith where there was a brook from which he could drink and that food would be provided for him by a Waitr service involving a Raven to bring him bread and meat each day.  It’s just a blessing to know that in times of trouble God both protects and provides for His children by His Holy Power.  Even after a period of time that the brook dried, still God had a plan for Elijah which involved him going to the town of Sidon where a widow would sustain him.  The widow experiencing a tough time due to the drought herself had made the decision that she’d make the last meal for herself and her only son and then they’d wait to die of starvation.  The Prophet informs the widow that the Word of the Lord was that she should feed him first which the woman did and based on her act of overwhelming faith in the wake of worldwide pandemic it followed that God ensured that her food never ran out.  This woman and Elijah both learned great lessons about faith during that time and I pray that we too have learned much through the Covid-19.  One lesson that I’ve learned is that the Power of God protects and provides for His people no matter what they may face!  We cannot control the end of this virus no more than we can the weather but we can control whether we draw closer to God through this or drift away from Him.  To that end, I encourage every believer to trust in His power today!  His power can be withheld or it can be released.  God withheld his power so King Nebuchadnezzar could throw the Hebrew boys into the fiery furnace but then because they chose to express overwhelming faith in Him God then released His power to save them from peril.  God again held back His power long enough for Daniel to be thrown in the lion’s den but due to Daniels faith God then released His Power to shut the lion’s mouth.  Again, God held back His Power long enough for Paul and Silas to be incarcerated but released it which caused them to walk out unharmed.  Finally and of greatest importance was that one Friday evening God withheld His Power long enough for Jesus’ hands and feet to be pierced with nails, His head and side to be punctured with a Roman spear and His human body to die; however, days later God then released His Power to raise Jesus from death opening the doors of the prison doors of sin that once held us to be flung wide open. With such a Powerful God on our side it should follow that we’ve much to praise Him for even in the wake of this challenging time.       It’s been nothing but the Power of God that has protected us through this virus and His hand has Provided so much so, that we’ve not missed a meal.  In light of all that’s going on let’s decide today whether we will trust that in a short while we too, are going to experience such a release of Gods Power that we will never again question His ability to bless irregardless of the weather.    

In His Service,