Just two weeks ago I had the privilege of being able to be at my mothers house for an entire week. My job had assigned me to work near her home and what a glorious time it was. I opted to take my two girls along with me and they too had a splendid time afterall what kid doesn’t wish to spend time and grannys. I was awestruck by the awesomeness of that experience as I recollect it vividly. Here as I sit in my own home I can’t help but think about all of the cares that come with home ownership. For example at some point this week I must manicure my lawn inclusive of hedge trimming, weed eating and pruning my roses. Additionally, sometime tomorrow I need to wash the clothing, change a few lightbulbs, replace the air filters, and repaint my oldest daughters bathroom. Moreover, looking around I am led to consider the upgrades long overlooked that will soon require my attention and for crying out loud my girls have been begging me for a pool for years now. My home comes complete with utility bills, insurance, the restocking of our pantry and the dreadful mortgage that must be paid every month. Interestingly, however, the week I spent at moms was so enjoyable because it came with none of the aforementioned responsibilities and/or concerns. There I was able to leave my girls while I departed for work each day with no concern at all as to whether they would be fed, nurtured and protected. They and I as well as, my siblings went in and out of mothers pantry with no concern of restocking it. We burned her lights, ran water from her faucets and even washed our clothing without a care in the world because in essence we were all her babies and she our caregiver. That said, isn’t it a blessing that in a few weeks my anticipation is that churches will again reopen for the purpose of worship. All of us anticipate the day when we can return to Our Fathers House where much like at my moms we will be fed, protected, nurtured and loved by the one who gave us life. What’s more is that we can do so without a care in the world for in His house is fulness of joy and He pays all of the bills. As we ponder that day I urge all to consider what the church actually is. It is more than just bricks and mortar with pretty carpet. The church is more than a place where we meet for fellowship and so much more than just somewhere we go out of tradition. The church is the holiest place on the face of the earth and the place in which we actualize the presence, power and persona of the Triune God. Its where He feeds our souls with the Bread of Heaven and the place where our faith is strengthened, our souls are satisfied and our cares are laid upon His shoulders. Let us all begin to prepare ourselves to again return to the church but to do so with a greater degree of understanding that of the things that the church is of most importance is that like mommas house, it is a place that love flows, faith grows and the light of Gods glory glows brighter and brighter!