I’ve Seen Enough

Monday Morning Manna

When the people heard these distressing words, they began to mourn and no one put on any ornaments. For the Lord had said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites, ‘You are a stiff-necked people. If I were to go with you even for a moment, I might destroy you. Now take off your ornaments and I will decide what to do with you.”                                                                                    Exodus 33:4-5, NIV

Many years have now passed and I’m still upset with Kurt!  Kurt was my roommate my freshman year in college and later it was determined that he and I were related but even still I have unfavorable thoughts about Kurt today.  The story goes that I held a job while simultaneously attending college and due to the income I received I was often able to afford things that the average college student could not. Of my many treasured purchases one of my most favorite was a pair of Air Jordan sneakers.  Specifically, they were the Jordan IX’s that came out in 1993.  They were the ones that were made after Mike led the bulls to their third consecutive championship just prior to him retiring to play baseball later that year. Because the typical college student is strapped for cash it was smart to always lock one’s dorm room so as to ensure that all of your stuff would be there upon your return.  Sometime late one night I entered the room only to find that several of my treasures had been stolen and one of the items were my new J’s.  I was livid to say the least!  Brothers and Sisters, in my opinion there is nothing worse than having something stolen from you!  Had I lost them at least I would have known that it was my fault; had I given them away at least I would have known that I did a great deed and had I torn them at least I would have known what happened to them but to have a thing stolen from you is awful.  Theft is awful because the human mind has to garner its response to the violation.  As you can imagine for the next several weeks I made it my business to look at everyone’s feet that left the dorm in hope that I would find my sneakers.  Second, I put up signs all over campus inquiring about the theft and most of all for at least the rest of that year the thought that someone had victimized me in such a cowardly way never left my psyche.  In time, I grew to forgive Kurt for leaving our room door unlocked but even after over twenty years have passed whenever I see Kurt, the first thing that crosses my mind is that he owes my $125.00.  I say all of this to segway into my thought that once something is stolen the violation can never be erased from the human mind and the overwhelming feeling of victimization tends to remain in the soul often making one distrustful of others.  To that end, my heart pains for the families of George Floyd, Ahmoud Arbery, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Breonna Taylor and Trayvon Martin, to name a few.  These are the names of just a few people whose lives were stolen by mere murderers.  I cry for their families and am angered by the events that caused each of them to meet their untimely demise.  Today, a national outcry is occurring across the country by those who may not be related to either of them by blood but all of our souls can certainly relate to the victimization that each of them and their families have had to endure.  The outcry of this moment is being felt in the states of Minnesota, Georgia, California, Tennessee and to some degree even smaller states like Louisiana and Mississippi.  Every red-blooded American should be livid at this total disregard for human life and at the time of this writing many are exhibiting their anger in a plethora of unfruitful ways under the guise of peaceful protest.  Sadly, it’s even more painful to me that politicians at the highest levels as well as, evangelical leaders have remained silent.  The danger in silence is that according to the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, “silence equals consent.”   

Regardless, of what your feelings may be about this national disaster my appeal is that the best responses to it are prayer, protest and empathy.  In the verse above the children of Israel have been abundantly blessed by God.  He has brought them out of slavery in Egypt through the leadership of Moses.  If having freed them wasn’t enough, God also provided food for them during their times of hunger and water for them so long as, they were thirsty.  It followed that Moses left the congregation of over 2,000,000 people and went atop of Mt. Sinai to commune with God about what steps needed to be taken next and to receive the Ten Commandments.  While Moses was away rather than glorify God the large congregation opted to build and worship and idol god in the form of a golden calf made from their own personal gold ornaments.   Because of their actions God informed Moses that He was going to allow the children of Israel to no longer enjoy His Divine Protection which led them to immediately remove all of their remaining ornaments and to seek Gods forgiveness. The decision by God to remove His protection drove Moses to pray empathically for his kinsmen in hope that God would rescind His decision.  Isn’t it interesting that Moses didn’t protest, he prayed first and he didn’t turn a blind eye to what he saw instead, he prayed! Moses had no idea why these people would have behaved in such a way nor, did he understand the deepest desires of their soul but he did what he could which was to pray.  I appeal to you my brother and sister to do likewise and pray for the many lives being impacted by the stolen lives of beloved souls.  Though like Moses, you may not understand the situation and you may not have ever experienced victimization and you may not share the same bloodline as those impacted and you may not agree with any of their actions, you can pray for them by name!  To be honest, I hardly doubt that one can boast of being pro-life and remain silent during a life being taken irregardless of how it may have happened.  Additionally, I doubt that one can boast of being anything close to Christian if human tragedy can be viewed as not their business.  Every Christian should be concerned, every American should be angry and every human being should be hurt by the taking of innocent life no matter one’s race, color, gender, sexual and/or religious preference.  Every human being deserves to be treated humanely regardless of what they’ve done and the only one who should ever take life is, He who gave it! I declare that we are a better nation than this and we are a better people.  That said, I encourage empathy and prayer in the wake of everything that is playing itself out on the world stage.  In response to the outbreak of virus and disease we must pray, in response to loss of life, we must pray and in response to an atypical political climate we as the children of God must pray!  It was precisely empathic prayer by Moses that indeed led God to renege on His decision which caused Moses to then ask God to show him His Glory.  The story goes on to report that God told Moses, that no one could see His Glory and live but that He would place Moses in a cliff, put His hands over Moses’ eyes and walk by so, that when He had passed a step or two that He could remove His hand so that Moses could see His back.  If you were Moses in that cliff that day, what you would have seen was Gods back as He moved past which would have been just enough for you to know that God above all is seeable, knowable and touchable.  Saints, I believe that God Himself pains at the senseless loss of the myriad of lives named earlier in this writing as He too hurts anytime anyone anywhere is victimized.  Nonetheless, the Good News is that He can be seen, known, touched and His ears are always open to those who pray.  This week, I beg you to join me in prayer for our world, our country, our faith and every one of our personal relationships! Unfortunately, times like these in the not too distant past have divided us as a nation but my argument is that having seen enough what we ought do now is pray keeping in mind that, “Whenever life gets too difficult for us to stand, we must Kneel!’     


A. Darrell Barlow, D.Min



He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”                                                                                                           John 7:38, KJV


“Living Water”

Some time ago my COO and trusted friend asked me the interrogative question of where on earth did I get the energy I seem to have? Interrogative questions allow you to gather information and clear up confusion as well as, engage in interesting conversations thus asked.  This interrogative question actually answered itself because he already knew the response.      His question nonetheless, was a witness of Gods glory.  Still he asked however, because he seemed awed by my many and multifaceted ministry obligations which seem to some as overwhelming. Specifically, that morning I had preached to soldiers in Hattiesburg then drove two hours to preach to nearly 300 Saints at the church after which he caught me just before I drove another thirty minutes to preach to inmates at a local prison that night. As I think deeply on our brief conversation in the corridor it begs me to consider the awesome ministry of the late Rev. Billy Graham who has to his credit having led over 2,000,000 people to Christ through his ministry that spanned over sixty years. Though, I don’t reckon that I may get the opportunity to reach that many people, I certainly have a deep desire to do so. That’s just it – our desires are within our hearts because they like our dreams, our wishes and our potentialities exist in the Spirit and because we are Spiritual beings they like our Spirits are infinite. This is why Jesus could say “my meat is to do the will of my Father” and why the late Rev. Dennis Kinlaw could say at 80 years old that after all of his preaching which spanned over 60 years as well, that his only wish was that he could preach one more sermon.

Brothers and Sisters when our Spirits are operated completely by the God who rightly owns them, the possibilities for greatness in our lives become limitless. What I mean is that there is a hole in our hearts called the Spirit that is so seated because through it and For His glory, Our God wants to lead us towards passions, plans, places and possibilities that will shock the world.   The old saying is that if you can dream it, you can achieve it and that’s because our dreams are nothing more than down payments on our destinies of which God is the leinholder. Man and Woman of God, there is nothing you can’t do, there’s nothing too big for a believer and nothing, absolutely nothing can stop you from flourishing except YOU! Let’s start today trusting God and sowing more to the Spirit so that God can fill us with the needed energies, passions and purposes to pursue His Divine will for our lives. Namely, better marriages, better finances, better attitudes and better days are all related to a better spiritual walk.  I encourage you to Pray for the infilling of the Holy Spirit and to begin to sow into spiritual things in anticipation that God will move you closer to greatness as you walk farther from sin.  Unfortunately, sin and success are mutually exclusive which is to say that there can be no significant success in anyone whose soul unrepentant sin reigns. I can assure you that your possibilities become limitless when your Spirit begins to no longer be blocked by sin and moreover, the overflow that God wishes to flood into your heart is an unlimited supply of good that will flow from your Spirit into your soul and out into society through your body. As the old song says, He wants to Bless you, Let Him Bless you today by quenching your thirst for more with His Living Water!

Dr A. Darrell Barlow



As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.” 1 Kings 17:1, KJV


Like a lot of students, I have always had difficulty with spelling.  Particularly, the words weather and whether have always given me great trial.  The word weather is primarily used as a noun.   It is the state of the atmosphere in a particular place (e.g., rain, sunshine, snow and so on). On the other hand, the word whether is a coordinating conjunction mostly used to introduce a clause and express a choice between alternatives.  Simply stated the words that follow a coordinating conjunction determine the mood of the moment.  In one Scriptural reference found in Acts 17:11, Paul writes of the Bereans’ that they were noble men who searched the Scriptures to see whether those things he preached about were so.  God never intended certain things to be left up to us but the choice on whether we make it through those things are indeed up to us.  In the text above the Prophet Elijah was called to deliver a message to King Ahab about the weather.  It seems that Gods message to the unholy King was that the weather would be such that no precipitation would fall for three and a half years.  This act of God had a tremendous impact on the entire world at the time as it caused utter pandemonium.  First, with no rain those who farmed would not be able to harvest their crops.  With no crop growth it would follow that no markets would be free to sale goods and over time even the rivers, lakes and ponds that once provided a water source for the community would eventually dry because of the weather.  Naturally, one would think that this would cause utter ruin to the society which it did to most people, except the Prophet Elijah.  Elijah whose name means “Yahweh is God” was one whose life shows us that though God alone controls the weather, should we place our trust in Him our faith can predict whether we will make it through those storms of life ultimately coming out better than we were at their beginning.  Of late, the Covid-19 pandemic has been responsible for worldwide hunger, unemployment, death and utter hopelessness.  While the world anticipates a vaccine to eradicate this virus we can be confident that its end is largely dependent upon whether we will maintain our faith in God even through this.  The story continues that Elijah was told to go to Cherith where there was a brook from which he could drink and that food would be provided for him by a Waitr service involving a Raven to bring him bread and meat each day.  It’s just a blessing to know that in times of trouble God both protects and provides for His children by His Holy Power.  Even after a period of time that the brook dried, still God had a plan for Elijah which involved him going to the town of Sidon where a widow would sustain him.  The widow experiencing a tough time due to the drought herself had made the decision that she’d make the last meal for herself and her only son and then they’d wait to die of starvation.  The Prophet informs the widow that the Word of the Lord was that she should feed him first which the woman did and based on her act of overwhelming faith in the wake of worldwide pandemic it followed that God ensured that her food never ran out.  This woman and Elijah both learned great lessons about faith during that time and I pray that we too have learned much through the Covid-19.  One lesson that I’ve learned is that the Power of God protects and provides for His people no matter what they may face!  We cannot control the end of this virus no more than we can the weather but we can control whether we draw closer to God through this or drift away from Him.  To that end, I encourage every believer to trust in His power today!  His power can be withheld or it can be released.  God withheld his power so King Nebuchadnezzar could throw the Hebrew boys into the fiery furnace but then because they chose to express overwhelming faith in Him God then released His power to save them from peril.  God again held back His power long enough for Daniel to be thrown in the lion’s den but due to Daniels faith God then released His Power to shut the lion’s mouth.  Again, God held back His Power long enough for Paul and Silas to be incarcerated but released it which caused them to walk out unharmed.  Finally and of greatest importance was that one Friday evening God withheld His Power long enough for Jesus’ hands and feet to be pierced with nails, His head and side to be punctured with a Roman spear and His human body to die; however, days later God then released His Power to raise Jesus from death opening the doors of the prison doors of sin that once held us to be flung wide open. With such a Powerful God on our side it should follow that we’ve much to praise Him for even in the wake of this challenging time.       It’s been nothing but the Power of God that has protected us through this virus and His hand has Provided so much so, that we’ve not missed a meal.  In light of all that’s going on let’s decide today whether we will trust that in a short while we too, are going to experience such a release of Gods Power that we will never again question His ability to bless irregardless of the weather.    

In His Service,


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